'Brag Book' Pages

These pages are dedicated to some of the corgis we have bred who have gone to their new homes.
They are living their lives in lots of different ways and we love to hear how they are going.

(Send us an email if you would like your dog included, or any updates on dogs already on here.)


Poppy (Milkenunny Royal Miss) lives in Tasmania and has been doing Rally O, which is a type of obedience training. She was from our very first litter born in April 2020 and is a sister to Rosa and Otto.

Poppy has been working her way through the stages of Rally, achieving her Rally Novice, Rally Advanced and Rally Excellent Titles! She is now competing at the Rally Master level.

Poppy is also a therapy dog and visits nursing homes, but that is not enough for her as she would like to talk to children in hospitals too. She loves children and would enjoy being a reading dog.

Poppy has also started training for Tricks and may go into Scent Works before long. Poppy loves her food!
We love hearing about Poppy and know that she is very loved.

Poppy now has a new friend at home - Gracie the Cairn Terrier.


Basil (Milkenunny Basil Brush) lives in Tasmania and has been going to dog Conformation Shows. He was from our third litter born in January 2022 and is a brother to Maple.
Basil collected the required points to gain his Champion title in April 2023.
We enjoy following Basil's career online and occasionally get to meet up with him and his owner at nearby shows.


Otto (Milkenunny Happy Otto) lived in Tasmania for a few years before moving to the mainland. He was a pup from our first litter born in April 2020 and is a brother to Rosa and Poppy. He spent many happy hours playing with Poppy at the beach and park before he moved away.

His owners always said they wanted to teach him tricks and we got a video just 2 weeks after he went to his new home showing how well he could Come, Sit and Shake Hands. (You can see the video here) He won "Best Trick' at the two Corgi Christmas get togethers that he attended. You can see photos of him playing dead below, and with his buddy Poppy as well.

In more recent photos you can see that he loves to roll on his back and give judging looks.
He also loves to go for walks, but doesn't want to come home.
He likes to start a play by stealing a slipper!
He also loves to swim, but never enjoys having a wash.

He is a very clever boy, and is a funny corgi character.

Lulu (Llywela)

Lulu (Milkenunny Tickle My Fancy) lives in Victoria. She was a pup from our second litter born in January 2021 and is a sister to Sora, Duke and Cheddar. Her owner had been hunting for a corgi for a few years before getting Lulu as a companion.

Lulu quickly learnt her basic training and did plenty of socialising with people and other dogs. When she was almost a year old we got this lovely report: Lulu is doing exceptionally well although she can be quite mischievous. She seems to get along well with all dogs of all different sizes, and she does extremely well with interacting with strangers. She seems to have the power of bringing a smile to everyone’s faces.

Apparently nothing has changed since then and Lulu is still bringing a smile to everyone’s faces! :)

She goes on lots of walks where she enjoys rolling around on the grass and she likes to smell everything in sight and do occasional little short sprints too.

Poppy2024 PoppyduringRally1 PoppyatRally Basil7wks MilkenunnyBasilBrushOct22A MilkenunnyBasilBrushCorgiNationals22 MilkenunnyBasilBrushCorgiNationals2022A MilkenunnyBasilBrushCorgiNationalOct22 MilkenunnyBasilBrushCorgiNationals2022B MilkenunnyBasilBrushRAST201022 BasilatUlverstone1 MilkenunnyBasilBrushribbons BasilFirstshow BasilatUlverstone2 OkamiandLilly31 Poppy PoppyJune22 PoppyDec20 Lilly MilkenunnyBasilBrushWDCJune1 Otto2 Jet Otto IMG4659 OttoRunning Y3A98202 DSC06149 IMG3734 IMG2218 IMG20201230105324 OttoandPoppy IMG20240112200745 IMG20240210112145 IMG20231029081334 IMG20230612140958 IMG20230612095656 Bolt Bolt4wks IMG3996 IMG4026 IMG5932 IMG5185 IMG5988 IMG5991 IMG5989 IMG5995 IMG5996 IMG6723 LuluChristmas211 PoppyAndGracie Poppyribbons